Sunday, November 29, 2015

Etude House

While studying abroad in South Korea during the last Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 semesters, I was enrolled in an "International Business Communication" course.

This course culminated with a group project, including a 10-minute video, written report, interviews, and surveys. Due to the business-focus of this class, my group set out to determine if celebrity endorsements impact the image and sales of cosmetics brands. We chose to base our study on the cosmetic brand Etude House, looking at the different marketing methods used by Etude House sites across Asia.

You may view our written report by clicking on the following link: WRITTEN REPORT

You may view our online survey by clicking on the following link: ONLINE SURVEY

The powerpoint presentation outlining our finding can be viewed by clicking on the following link: ETUDE HOUSE PRESENTATION

In this powerpoint, slides 2 and 4 include videos that were shown to the audience during our presentation. Slide 2 shows an actual Etude House commercial, while Slide 4 shows an Etude House Commercial made by my group. The actual commercial uses celebrities to endorse the product, while our video simply uses our project group members. The goal in doing this was to ask the audience which commercial would make them more likely to buy this product. Below, you are able to watch both of these videos and decide for yourself.

Actual Etude House Commercial

Our Etude House Commercial