Work Experience

Study Away Assistant, August 2015-Current

International and Exchange Student Center, California State University Northridge

After returning from studying abroad in South Korea, I was so happy to be given the opportunity to work at my university's International and Exchange Student Center as an assistant to the study abroad advisors. For the past semester, this position has given me the unique opportunity to tell my story to potential study abroad applicants. As a previous participant of a CSU IP study abroad program, I have been able to accumulate a great deal of knowledge and experience regarding life in South Korea, making the most of your time abroad, applying for scholarships, and all that a potential CSU IP student will be dealing with as he/she makes the decision to journey abroad. Thus, having already researched the CSU IP study abroad program, gone through all the steps of applying, and experienced the program firsthand, I am now able to use this knowledge to support students who are just beginning this exciting process.
In fact, just recently, I had the opportunity to meet up with two students who will soon be leaving to study abroad in South Korea for an academic year, just as I did. During this chat, I was able to answer questions, give advice, and make these students feel more at ease. Sharing memories from my own study abroad experience was not only exciting and satisfying, but it also felt quite rewarding to be able to put all of my efforts into sending these students off feeling more confident and prepared. I found it especially enjoyable to be able to talk with students who are just as interested in language, culture, and broadening their horizons as I am. Sharing my study abroad experience, as well as encouraging excitement in prospective CSU IP students, are some of the many aspects that I enjoy about my position as Study Away Assistant. 


As the Study Away Assistant,  my responsibilities include helping the study abroad advisors with making appointments, keeping track of student files, updating flyers, drafting important emails, and more. A large portion of my responsibilities center around promotional activities, such as discussing CSU International Programs at study abroad fairs, tabling, and conducting weekly presentations to freshman classes. These activities, especially, allow me to share my study abroad experience with interested students. In order to provide students with as much information as possible, I try to be as informed as I can about the programs offered by CSUN, as well as outside programs that may better suit a student's major. This way, I will be able to answer any question that comes my way. 

Enjoying working at the 2015 CSUN Study Abroad Fair :)
Showing off the Study Abroad table at the 2015 IESC Open House
Hiding behind my board at the 2015 International Education Week Cultural Celebration (I'm a fan of origami cherry blossoms :D)